Money Tree

This is called the Money Tree Advance Enrichment. It’s on Monday every week. We learn about Money, how to spend and when to use them and more But that’s not all, let see what do we do in the class. This is like a game, we have three teams in the class. Sure we have money! wait, wait don’t be so surprised because the money is not the real one, it’s fake but for this class it has value. There are also some other things like Food point that we use for spending not for eating at all because it’s a small paper, so if you go to my class don’t eat the food point, please. Next, we have another special thing. It called utility point, we use this one to double the money when you give a right answer to your teacher when he asks. All the student in this class are always happy when we play a game called Money Trivia, in this game, there are 20 or more boxes, we can pick the question but you can’t see the question because it’s covered with boxes. When you already pick the boxes, there will be a question if you answer right you can choose to have a cash box or just get 150$. I like to learn in this class because I have fun every week. 

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